The Orchid-More Than Just An Exotic Flower
Submitted By: Liz Norman
Next to the rose, orchids are the flowers most in demand in both the private and commercial marketplace. No plant family has as many different flowers as the orchid family. Orchids are known to grow in most every part of the world with the exception of Antarctica and the deserts.
Most African orchids are white, while Asian orchids are generally multicolored. Some orchids grow only one flower on each stem, while others can have more than a hundred blooms on a single spike.
When not in bloom, orchids very much resemble wild grasses and or palms. They can be grouped according to the way they retrieve their nutrients. The majority of the species are found in tropical, moist broad leaf forests or mountains. These orchids anchor themselves onto other plants, mostly trees. However, they are not considered to be a parasite.
Then there are a few species that grow naturally on rocks or on very rocky soil. Both of these species gets their nutrients from the atmosphere. Such as rain water, litter, humus, and even from their own dead tissue. Orchids are also one of the most adaptable plant groups on earth. Some Australian orchids grow entirely underground.
Those orchids we plant in our gardens are known as terrestrial plants and are planted in the soil just like most any other flower. If your area isn't conducive to growing orchids, you can still grow them in a hothouse. Be patient, however. The seeds of an orchid are extremely tiny. Under natural circumstances, the seeds can only germinate with the use of a special fungi. It takes anywhere from one to ten years for an orchid seedling to mature.
The ideal place in the home for growing orchids is a bright window, free from drafts, where your plants receive indirect sunlight both morning and afternoon. (A south window is best.) In winter, give orchids all the light possible. the equivalent to a bright south-facing window. With extra large windows or especially intense sunlight, the light may be adjusted downward by moving plants 18 to 36 inches from the window. Plants in the home require a greater light intensity because they receive light from only one direction, while in a greenhouse they receive light from many sides.
One orchid genre is commercially important other than for the value of the flowers. The vanilla orchid is used as a flavoring, and indeed is the source of vanilla. The underground tubers of terrestrial orchids are ground to a powder and used for cooking. Interestingly enough, the Coca-Cola Company is the world's largest user of vanilla. Because vanilla is such a labor intensive crop due to having to hand-pollinate the flowers, it is most suited to small family farms.
The scent of orchids is frequently used by perfumists. With these exceptions, orchids have virtually no commercial value other than for the enjoyment of the flowers.
Both tropical and subtropical orchids are available at nurseries and through orchid clubs across the world. There are also quite a few orchids which grow in colder climates, although these may be more difficult to find. The National Orchid Garden in Singapore is considered by some to be among the finest collections of orchids in cultivation open to the public.
Orchids have now become a major market throughout the world. Buyers bid hundreds of dollars on new or improved hybrids. As mentioned earlier, they are now one of the most popular cut-flowers on the market. Though orchid hybridization has been happening for many years, only recently has new technology made it into what it is today. Thailand is presently the leading country in the orchid-buying world, with one of the few pure white orchids.
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Orchid-More Than Just An Exotic Flower
Labels: Orchid
Orchid Plants
Orchid Plants
Submitted By: Robin Storms
Orchids are the favorites of horticulturists’ world over, due to the intricate and colorful designs of their blossoms. So intricate are orchid blossoms that they have long been compared to snowflakes. To date, there have been at least 35000 orchid species identified and many more may be discovered.
While orchids are tremendously popular, maintaining live orchids can be very demanding. Temperature, humidity and light are the main factors to take into account. Although orchids are usually thought of as tropical, most orchids will die if they are watered too often.
The hard work involved in growing live orchids leads many enthusiasts to the silk varieties instead. The most popular varieties of artificial orchids are: Phalaenopsis orchids, Dendrobium orchids, Cattleya orchids, Vanda orchids and Cymbidium orchids.
Silk Phalaenopsis orchids have a long, tapering stem with large, flat flower. The two most popular varieties are the Royal and the Deluxe. The Royal Phalaenopsis is typically available as a 36” specimen in white or lavender. The Deluxe Phalaenopsis generally exhibits a richer color and is available as a 34” specimen. Smaller 27” artificial silk specimens are also available, typically ranging in price from $17 to $25.
Dendrobium orchids are one of the versatile varieties. These orchids tend to favor trees or rocks and are well-known for their striking colors. Popular artificial silk varieties are 25” in height and come in an exquisite white or purple. The red variety is also quite lovely in a decorative arrangement.
Cattleya orchids are slow-flowering, typically taking anywhere between 5 to 7 years to produce their first dramatic bloom. This makes them very popular as an artificial silk variety. A very fashionable variety is the 14” mini Cattleya which comes in a wide range of colors but is most striking in purple or gold. This orchid is also available in yellow, orange and white.
Vanda orchids can definitely be considered as the most sought after type because of their exotic colors. These artificial silk orchids are typically sold as silk flowers arrangements but 30” single orchids are available. The top sellers in this particular variety are the purple and burgundy artificial silk specimens.
Cymbidium orchids are one of the first varieties to be identified very early and retain their appeal even to this day. While they are typically tall, with a stalk that can reach up to 2 feet in height, beautiful miniature artificial silk varieties are available. The intricacy of the Cymbidium blooms is unmatched by most other varieties. Arrangements typically retail at $80 while individual miniature specimens range from $15 to $20.
Our silk orchids need not be watered and require minimum attention. They have an added advantage in that they are hypoallergenic as there are no seeds or pollen to contend with. Artificial silk orchids retain their color much longer than the natural varieties and, as they are not dependent on sunlight so they can be moved to any area of the home or office.
Labels: Orchid
Orchid Flowers - An Introduction
Orchid Flowers - An Introduction
Submitted By: Jeffery Rush
Many people think the orchid plant cannot be grown indoors. When grown in the wild, the orchid plant often forms a symbiotic relationship with other plants in order to get the nutrients that it needs. The orchid plant, like most other plants, must live in the proper conditions in order for it to bloom. The three major conditions that must be controlled in order for the orchid plant to bloom are water, light, and temperature. The orchid plant receives moisture through its roots like all other plants. Avoid planting the orchid in potting soil, because it does not like to be in standing water. The orchid thrives in bright, indirect sunlight. The orchid will continue to grow without this change, but it will not bloom.
Orchids can be a difficult flower to grow indoors because they are usually found growing in nature. As long as you are familiar with the living conditions that orchids need to grow, then you can grow orchids indoors. Orchids should be grown in a similar way. If wholesale orchids are left in standing water, they will eventually die. Wholesale orchids also need to have the temperature variations of the plants that are grown in the wild. The leaf color of wholesale orchids will indicate whether or not the orchid is getting the right amount of light. Yellowish color leaves mean the plant is getting too much light.
The orchid is a perennial plant that usually has three petals. There are about 30,000 different species of orchids wildly growing worldwide. There three basic types of orchid: epiphytic, terrestrial, and saprophytic. The first of the types of different orchids, the epiphytic orchid, grows mostly in tropic and subtopic regions. The epiphytic types of orchid are the most popular for growing indoors. The terrestrial orchid is the second of the major types of orchid. Many people who try to grow terrestrial orchids attempt to grow them in potting soil. The third of the types of orchid is saprophytic. The saprophytic orchid has underground roots just as the terrestrial orchid does. Some species of saprophytic orchids grow completely underground and never come above. If a person can understand how to grow other plants inside the home, then they can understand how to grow orchids.
Labels: Orchid
Orchid Flowers Basics
Orchid Flowers Basics
Submitted By: Daniel Roshard
Orchids are a thing of beauty, one of the most impressive flowers you can have at home is an orchid. Because Orchids come from a very large family there is a huge variation in the different types of Orchids available on the market. Orchids are not the most difficult flowers to take care of, but they do need some attention, you can have a significant effect on the orchids you grow.
Wild orchid is simply a wonderful flower that everyone should own, a wild orchid has a unique look and style of growth. Wild orchids have an amazing verity of species, each with its own beautiful shape and coloring. Orchids in general and wild orchids in particular require that you decide where you think you will place the orchids before you actually buy them, the care needed for orchids demands that you provide them with enough humidity and air flow, and there is a huge difference between placing an orchid at home or have a wild orchid in your garden.
As a person who knows the importance of flowers for stress relief and house decoration I can absolutely say with confidence that orchids provide an abundance of pleasure just from watching them, even a person that is completely indifferent to flowers will enjoy looking at a blooming orchid, the vast variety of the orchid family makes it almost impossible for the regular person to get familiar with a kind of orchid.
Orchid have about 35,000 different species, originally this flower grow on trees and used them as hosts, this doesn’t mean that orchids can not bloom and grow without a tree host. The orchid family, because of its diversity is a extremely adaptable flower, contrast to popular belief, the orchids are a very well adjusted family of flowers.
Orchids are “planned” to lure insects for reproduction means, by getting the insect to land on the flower, it sticks some of the orchid “signature” on the insect and when this insect than leaves the orchid it bares with it the markings of that particular orchid.
Orchids have a well documented history, because of the orchids popularity in almost all parts of the world, many written books and articles had mentioned the orchid flower and the variety of the orchid family in flowers. The earliest written evidence of their presence if in the form of Chinese and Japanese drawing and literature of the circa 700 B.C. in past times the orchid was believed to have healing powers and was used, by many cultures, as a sort of a herbal or natural remedy.
today it is very easy and simple to purchase an orchid at the floweriest, most florist even have orchid flowers which they use in their flower arrangements. The orchids bought at a florist will not last long, but a rooted orchid could be a lot of fun to take care of at home, you just need to find the right spot for the orchid, with plenty of humidity and air flow, not exposed to wind and cold, there is a usual trial and error phase in which you discover what your orchid likes and dislikes, it is a very interesting sort of communication between a flower and a human.
Enjoy orchids, they are a spectacular family of flowers!
Labels: Orchid